====== Values porting log ======
Here, I try to record my steps for porting the Values package from VisualWorks to Squeak.
===== Starting point =====
In your VisualWorks 8.3 image
* have **{Smalltalk Transform Project} (,chaider)** loaded
* have **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)** loaded, with empty transformations:
^PackageChange new
If you don't have VisualWorks and cannot create the fileOut yourself, all versions are on GitHub.
The fileOut of this configuration is [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/releases/tag/|here]].
===== First FileIn =====
File out from VW with
Squeak fileOutValues
Start squeak, open the Transcript and file in [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/43f7e61d7dfc2ffac9063a4b3636fc2b1f3559ef/Values.Squeak.st|Values.Squeak.st]] with
FileStream fileIn: 'C:\Users\Christian\Documents\image\Values.Squeak.st'
it loads 1 / 4 of the file before a syntax error occurs:
The Transcript shows:
''UndefinedObject>>DoIt (PackageManifest is Undeclared) Attempt to create ManifestValues as a subclass of nil. Possibly a class is being loaded before its superclass.''
==== VW literal binding syntax #{} ====
VisualWorks has a special syntax for specifying a class in a namespace as literal; e.g. ''#{PDFtalk.Name}''.
Fixed by adding add a transformation for the class method #localSpecification in any Value subclass. This translates ''#{Integer}'' to ''#(#Integer)'' and ''#{PDFtalk.Name}'' to ''#(#PDFtalk #Name)''.
^PackageChange hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
Published as **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)**.
==== Unknown superclass ====
The Transcript warning complains that the class ''ManifestValues'' cannot be created as subclass of ''PackageManifest'' which is unknown.
Changed ''ChunkStream>>#writeProperties:in:parents:'' to
* use ''Object'' as superclass instead of ''PackageManifest''
* renamed class to ''About''
Published as **{Smalltalk Transform Project} (,chaider)**.
===== FileIn 2 =====
FileOut from VW, then fileIn [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/89f46631c98e54aa7e4ca101826e15ceb626091a/Values.Squeak.st|Values.Squeak.st]] into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 80% until it hits the error that ColorValue is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
Class>>nameRelativeTo: (Root is Undeclared)
Class>>isInScope: (NameScope is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>fromBytesRed:green:blue: (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>fromBytesRed:green:blue: (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
==== Missing class ====
The system class ''ColorValue'' of VW is roughly equivalent to ''Color'' in Squeak. But instead of renaming all ''ColorValue'' references to ''Color'', I define ''ColorValue'' as subclass of ''Color''. With this, the target system is not polluted with compatibility methods for ''ColorValue''.
This is expressed in the transformation with #newSuperclasses. The new transform looks like:
newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color)
hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
==== Undeclared class references ====
The Transcript shows undeclared class references in two methods of class ''class''.
Class>>nameRelativeTo: (Root is Undeclared)
Class>>isInScope: (NameScope is Undeclared)
To handle this, we add local changes to the transformation. Local changes refer to classes in the source system.
newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color)
hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform
^Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Class}
instanceChanges: (Array
with: (Replace method: #nameRelativeTo: code: #_sq_nameRelativeTo:)
with: (Replace method: #isInScope: code: #_sq_isInScope:)))
These transformations replace the body of the existing methods of class ''Class'' with the body of the ''#code'' methods.
Published as **{Smalltalk Transform Project} (,chaider)** with minor changes (updated comments and corrected spelling).
Published as **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)** with the updated transformations.
===== FileIn 3 =====
FileOut from VW, then fileIn [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/77bd6a94b7b0ca5f2844f0feab17414454e55c93/Values.Squeak.st|Values.Squeak.st]] into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 85% until it hits the error that GeneralBindingReference is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared)
Since GeneralBindingReference is specific to namespaces in VW, we don't need to port the class extension methods. For this we add the class to the **#unusedClasses** in our #ValuesTransform PackageChange:
unusedClasses: #(#{Smalltalk.GeneralBindingReference})
newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color)
hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform
Published as **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)** with the updated transformation.
===== FileIn 4 =====
FileOut from VW, then fileIn [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/6f52f46cef184aa47b2bd48896417b6eb2d3b6d3/Values.Squeak.st|Values.Squeak.st]] into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 97% until it hits the error that Timestamp is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
We do the same trick as in FileIn x and set DateAndTime as superclass of Timestamp. The new Transformation is:
unusedClasses: #(#{Smalltalk.GeneralBindingReference})
newSuperclasses: (Valuemap
with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color
with: #{Timestamp} -> #DateAndTime)
hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform
Published as **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)** with the updated transformation.
===== FileIn 5 =====
FileOut from VW, then fileIn [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/084fcf08b7fee76e4534b57a8e4fe6336f5bc986/Values.Squeak.st|Values.Squeak.st]] into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads without errors or warnings!.
First milestone: Clean fileIn without errors or warnings!
Next step: fileIn the tests.
===== FileIn 6 - Tests =====
Added Squeak class method ''#fileOutValuesTesting'' analog to ''#fileOutValues'':
write: ('.' asFilename construct: 'ValuesTesting.Squeak.st')
pundles: (Array with: (Store.Registry packageNamed: #'Values Testing'))
package: #'Values-Testing'
prerequisites: nil
packageChanges: (Valuemap with: 'Values Testing' -> self ValuesTestingTransform)
with the standard transformation for Value classes:
^PackageChange hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
FileOut from VW with:
Squeak fileOutValuesTesting
then fileIn [[https://github.com/PortingPDFtalk/SqueakValues/blob/084fcf08b7fee76e4534b57a8e4fe6336f5bc986/ValuesTesting.Squeak.st|ValuesTesting.Squeak.st]] into a Squeak image with Values loaded.
Loads without errors.
The Transcript shows:
ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (SubscriptOutOfBoundsError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (SubscriptOutOfBoundsError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (NonIntegerIndexError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (NonIntegerIndexError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testKeyedAccess (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
The VW error classes are not known in Squeak. We define a rewrite of the three test methods:
hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value}
classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
localChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange
classReference: #{Smalltalk.ValuemapTests}
instanceChanges: ((OrderedCollection new)
add: (Rewrite method: #testIndexedAccess rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses);
add: (Rewrite method: #testKeyedAccess rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses);
add: (Rewrite method: #testRemoving rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses);
The rule ''#replaceSqueakErrorClasses'' in class ''ParseTreeRewriter'' (analog to ''#replaceGemstoneErrorClasses'') replaces the Error classes by string replacement:
^(self new)
replace: SubscriptOutOfBoundsError name asString with: #Error asString;
replace: NonIntegerIndexError name asString with: #Error asString;
replace: NotFoundError name asString with: #NotFound asString;
Published as **[Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider)** with the updated transformation.
===== FileIn 7 - Tests =====
FileOut [Values] and [Values Testing], then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads without errors or warnings!
2. milestone: Clean fileIn of the tests without errors or warnings!
Test results:
25 run in 0:00:00:00, 0 passes, 0 expected failures, 1 failures, 24 errors, 0 unexpected passes
{{:values:2022-02-01_values.squeak.zip |This Squeak fileOut (2022-02-01)}} contains the current ''Values.Squeak.st'' and ''ValuesTesting.Squeak.st''.
The next step must be done in Squeak: fix the implementation to make the tests pass and modify the transformation so that the next fileOut contains the right code. If you don't have access to VW, please send a change file.