Here, I try to record my steps for porting the Values package from VisualWorks to Squeak.
In your VisualWorks 8.3 image
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange new
If you don't have VisualWorks and cannot create the fileOut yourself, all versions are on GitHub.
The fileOut of this configuration is here.
File out from VW with
Squeak fileOutValues
. Start squeak, open the Transcript and file in with
FileStream fileIn: 'C:\Users\Christian\Documents\image\'
it loads 1 / 4 of the file before a syntax error occurs:
localSpecification <constant: #name class: #"Invalid literal character ->"{Printvalue}> <constant: #value class: #{Printvalue}>
The Transcript shows:
UndefinedObject»DoIt (PackageManifest is Undeclared) Attempt to create ManifestValues as a subclass of nil. Possibly a class is being loaded before its superclass.
VisualWorks has a special syntax for specifying a class in a namespace as literal; e.g. #{PDFtalk.Name}
Fixed by adding add a transformation for the class method #localSpecification in any Value subclass. This translates #{Integer}
to #(#Integer)
and #{PDFtalk.Name}
to #(#PDFtalk #Name)
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
Published as [Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider).
The Transcript warning complains that the class ManifestValues
cannot be created as subclass of PackageManifest
which is unknown.
Changed ChunkStream»#writeProperties:in:parents:
as superclass instead of PackageManifest
Published as {Smalltalk Transform Project} (,chaider).
FileOut from VW, then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 80% until it hits the error that ColorValue is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
Class>>nameRelativeTo: (Root is Undeclared) Class>>isInScope: (NameScope is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>fromBytesRed:green:blue: (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>fromBytesRed:green:blue: (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (ColorValue is Undeclared)
The system class ColorValue
of VW is roughly equivalent to Color
in Squeak. But instead of renaming all ColorValue
references to Color
, I define ColorValue
as subclass of Color
. With this, the target system is not polluted with compatibility methods for ColorValue
This is expressed in the transformation with #newSuperclasses. The new transform looks like:
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color) hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
The Transcript shows undeclared class references in two methods of class class
Class>>nameRelativeTo: (Root is Undeclared) Class>>isInScope: (NameScope is Undeclared)
To handle this, we add local changes to the transformation. Local changes refer to classes in the source system.
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color) hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath)))) localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform valuesLocalTransform ^Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Class} instanceChanges: (Array with: (Replace method: #nameRelativeTo: code: #_sq_nameRelativeTo:) with: (Replace method: #isInScope: code: #_sq_isInScope:)))
These transformations replace the body of the existing methods of class Class
with the body of the #code
Published as {Smalltalk Transform Project} (,chaider) with minor changes (updated comments and corrected spelling).
Published as [Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider) with the updated transformations.
FileOut from VW, then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 85% until it hits the error that GeneralBindingReference is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (GeneralBindingReference is Undeclared)
Since GeneralBindingReference is specific to namespaces in VW, we don't need to port the class extension methods. For this we add the class to the #unusedClasses in our #ValuesTransform PackageChange:
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange unusedClasses: #(#{Smalltalk.GeneralBindingReference}) newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color) hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath)))) localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform
Published as [Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider) with the updated transformation.
FileOut from VW, then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads about 97% until it hits the error that Timestamp is not defined.
The Transcript shows:
UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared) UndefinedObject>>DoIt (Timestamp is Undeclared)
We do the same trick as in FileIn x and set DateAndTime as superclass of Timestamp. The new Transformation is:
ValuesTransform ^PackageChange unusedClasses: #(#{Smalltalk.GeneralBindingReference}) newSuperclasses: (Valuemap with: #{Smalltalk.ColorValue} -> #Color with: #{Timestamp} -> #DateAndTime) hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath)))) localChanges: self valuesLocalTransform
Published as [Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider) with the updated transformation.
FileOut from VW, then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads without errors or warnings!.
First milestone: <span style="background-color:yellow;font-size:150%;border:2px solid lightgray;">Clean fileIn without errors or warnings!</span><br><br>
Next step: fileIn the tests.
Added Squeak class method #fileOutValuesTesting
analog to #fileOutValues
fileOutValuesTesting self write: ('.' asFilename construct: '') pundles: (Array with: (Store.Registry packageNamed: #'Values Testing')) package: #'Values-Testing' prerequisites: nil packageChanges: (Valuemap with: 'Values Testing' -> self ValuesTestingTransform)
with the standard transformation for Value classes:
ValuesTestingTransform ^PackageChange hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath))))
FileOut from VW with:
Squeak fileOutValuesTesting
then fileIn into a Squeak image with Values loaded.
Loads without errors.
The Transcript shows:
ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (SubscriptOutOfBoundsError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (SubscriptOutOfBoundsError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (NonIntegerIndexError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testIndexedAccess (NonIntegerIndexError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testKeyedAccess (NotFoundError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared) ValuemapTests>>testRemoving (NotFoundError is Undeclared)
The VW error classes are not known in Squeak. We define a rewrite of the three test methods:
ValuesTestingTransform ^PackageChange hierarchyChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.Value} classChanges: (Array with: (Rewrite method: #localSpecification rule: #replaceLiteralBindingWithPath)))) localChanges: (Array with: (ClassChange classReference: #{Smalltalk.ValuemapTests} instanceChanges: ((OrderedCollection new) add: (Rewrite method: #testIndexedAccess rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses); add: (Rewrite method: #testKeyedAccess rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses); add: (Rewrite method: #testRemoving rule: #replaceSqueakErrorClasses); yourself)))
The rule #replaceSqueakErrorClasses
in class ParseTreeRewriter
(analog to #replaceGemstoneErrorClasses
) replaces the Error classes by string replacement:
replaceSqueakErrorClasses ^(self new) replace: SubscriptOutOfBoundsError name asString with: #Error asString; replace: NonIntegerIndexError name asString with: #Error asString; replace: NotFoundError name asString with: #NotFound asString; yourself
Published as [Squeak Fileout PDFtalk] (,chaider) with the updated transformation.
FileOut [Values] and [Values Testing], then fileIn into a fresh Squeak image.
Loads without errors or warnings!
2. milestone: <span style="background-color:yellow;font-size:150%;border:2px solid lightgray;">Clean fileIn of the tests without errors or warnings!</span><br><br>
Test results: 25 run in 0:00:00:00, 0 passes, 0 expected failures, 1 failures, 24 errors, 0 unexpected passes
This Squeak fileOut (2022-02-01) contains the current
The next step must be done in Squeak: fix the implementation to make the tests pass and modify the transformation so that the next fileOut contains the right code. If you don't have access to VW, please send a change file.